Botches and Bodges

Some stories of things going wrong, and the bodges that should never be talked about.

Most of this is going to cover my time as an IT Technician in a school..

A Mixture of working as a All around tech in one of the best schools in the county (T1 on paper but I Basically did everything from changing toner to VLans)

Then back to being a T1 Tech, this time in on of the biggest MATs in the country.
If you see some really really odd spelling like “wea pon ized” its to try to be nice to filters.

This page will contain short 1/2 Liners/Tidbits that aren’t big enough for there own page, and the contents of the other stories.


There maybe some stories about a Co Worker I will call “Womble”, they had some very interesting ways of doing things.

Tidbits and Anecdote

Many a time I have Used a Server / Desktop as a stool or a step, have yet to break anything important.

Once had a printer that asked for toner, when it was low (25%) on toner, but had ran out of paper. “No it wants paper, its lying”

“No Bloody Clue”, is better response to 95% of users than lying.

Dear Developers, for the love of all that’s holy, give me a proper error message.


When WSUS Goes Wrong, a story of servers updating at 8AM Monday Morning.
NO Backups, No Files A Story of a USB Stick, and a server being deleted.
Playing With Matches

Stories TODO

Broadcast storm, core switch being fat, reimage

script goes beep