MACH & ONYX FiveM Functions


Adding Items to the Database.

First you need to add all the items you want to use to the Database, a good way of doing this is in a CSV File! ITEMS.CSV

name label weight rare can_remove degrade_modifier unique description x y category
The name of the item, always lowercase, no spaces or spec chars How you want it to be displayed in inventory a weight (0 if using core inventory) Always 0 Always 1 Best set to 1 Always 0 opt discription Core inventroy Size Core inventory category
drink_flaming_slater Flaming Slater 0 0 1 1 0 Boom Peepo Drunk 1 1 drinks

For images the must match the name and be placed it the inventory’s picture location. The same images will need to be put in the \core_crafting\html\img folder.