Ping a list of computers

Script a week 00000100
This Script is to ping a list of computers with a Certain name

####Script by Chris of TECHGUYBLOG.CO.UK (C) 2018
####Tested on PS 5.0 AND 6.0
####The script below will allow you ping computers with a certain name
####Or with a certain naming convention 
$compname = read-host "Enter computname Do not include * For wild card. it is added automactily: IE PCNAME"
$computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like '$compname*'" | 
select-object -expandproperty name
ForEach ($computer in $computers)`
  ping $computer

PS Version – Test on 5.0 & 6.0
OS – Tested on Windows 7 & Windows 10, with the script being run on a windows 10 machine
Administrative Credentials required – Yes
Changes needed? – Modifying comments to suit your org needs