Patch Notes

Doorlock — 08/15/2022

Hey @everyone,

We just pushed a v1.5.0 release for ox_doorlock of which some main changes are:

- UI rewrite and redesign
- Ability to see and search all registered doors in a table
- Ability to easily copy and apply door settings
- Easily edit or remove any door from the doors table
- Removed /doorlock edit and added /doorlock closest which opens the settings for the closest door

You can see how the new UI looks here:

As always if you run into any issues or have any feature requests please open a new Issue on the GitHub repository  

You can get the release here:

GKSPHONE V1.5.2 Update dropped (Not Implemented)

What's new?
-    In the valet application, When you get a null in vehicle model, it display a license plate.
-    If the crypto value is below 1 in the stock market application, it will no longer be visible to the players.
-    Changed QBCore item query.
-    Vehicle pictures added in car sale logs.
-    A custom language file has been created.
-    In the App Store automatically closes if the page is blank.
-    Added installation circle when you download an app.
-    In the racing app, players now freeze on countdown.
-    You can add last item in inventory to Ebay App now.
-    Twitter approved account (blue tick) feature has added. (admin approved).
-    Valet NPC disable feature added.
-    Tinder app optimized.
-    Added config.lua option to change taxi job code.
-   Added the ability to change photos with url to Tinder,
-   Added License plate search to the search section in valet as an extra (model and license plate),
-   Ringtone feature came back in Zedge App,
-   Added ability for players to cancel bills in Business APP (set job grade in config.lua),
-   Job App sql query changed,
-   Bank and stock market applications added dot or comma preview option (config.json),
-   Added cid and identifier records in darkchat messages,
-   More than 15 digits have been closed in Stock Market and QBit App,
-   Youtube and Music applications API system has been improved,
-   Upgraded to latest xsound version,
-   Loaf House new version works with House App,
-   Now the lua files of QBCore version specific applications (MDT, House, QBIT) aren't locked,
-   Tested new esx legacy versions - GKSPhone works on all esx legacy versions,

What did we fix?
 - Fixed the phone prop isn’t showing.
 - Fixed bugs with last QBCore updates.
 - Fixed the problem of blurry images on Twitter when Streamer mode is on.
 - The error that occurs when the Twitter name is the same fixed.
 - The error that occurs when typing too much text on Twitter fixed.
 - Twitter blank message sending issue fixed.
 - Photo sizes fixed.
 - Yellow Pages bug filter fixed,
 - Valet css problem fixed (mouse scroll),
 - The problem of not changing the names of the pages in the race application will be resolved,
 - cd_garage outside-inside problem fixed,
 - qtarget esx number sharing fixed,
 - Fixed some bugs in Moov app,
 - Twitter and Instagram webhook problems solved.

-    Loaf House script integrated.
-    cd_garage script integrated.
-    okokbilling script integrated,
-    qtarget script integrated. (ESX)

-    Added export to hang up phone.
-    Added export of finding source from person's number.
-    Added export to prevent the opening phone.
-    Job App Message trigger added to files.
-    Music app exports are open,

Car Updates — 07/25/2022

Updated carvariations.meta for Honda CRX:
+ changed spawn colors to “Worn Off-White” for primary and secondary with the purchase of a new vehicle
+ ensured no liveries would spawn with the purchase of a new vehicle

Car Updates — 07/05/2022

Vehicles Optimized/Updated – polchar (swat 100) x + added PRIDE Bumper Sticker + reduced resolution of overall livery (4K>2K) – polchar2 (pd 000) + reduced resolution of overall livery (4K>2K) – polchar3 (pd 800) + reduced resolution of overall livery (4K>2K) – polraptor (swat 000) + added PRIDE Bumper Sticker + reduced resolution of overall livery (4K>2K) – polvic (not used) + reduced resolution of overall livery (4K>2K) + changed to pd 000 with polvic2 model – polvic2 (pd 800) + reduced resolution of overall livery (4K>2K) – polvic3 (pd 810) + reduced resolution of overall livery (4K>2K)

Vehicle Optimization/Update Queue: – polvic3 + review META files to review “red shine” + sirens don’t work (edited)

2 July 25, 2022

LS Customs — 07/03/2022


+ Implemented patch for old/new type of liveries
+ A few reliability improvements
+ Toggle freecam with keybind V
+ Option to enable cinematic mode(only for qb-hud)
+ Vehicle repair in main menu
+ Interior color alongside other color tabs
+ Fixed currently installed mod status not being showed correctly in some cases
+ Added controls legend below the menu
+ Minor UI tweaks
+ Suspension height added to stancing
+ Full resource localization