MACH & ONYX FiveM Functions


NORMAL BLIPS in blip function

Usable items

This function replaces the need to add the snipped bellow for every item you want to use, the items still need to to be IN THE DATABASE.

ESX.RegisterUsableItem('fishbait', function(source) //fishbait db item name 
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
    xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('fishbait', 1) //fishbait is item name in db
    TriggerClientEvent('esx_status:add', source, 'hunger', 8000) //fill food
    TriggerClientEvent('esx_basicneeds:onEat', source)
    TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('used_fishbait')) 
    //used_fishbait (for translations)

Head to the useable items section in the cfg file.

About the file

1)Function Name - Usable Items
2)Script Location - server/usableitems.lua (Tebex encrypted)
3)Description - This allows you to add useable items in a simpler config file, rather than having to add 500 Useable item chunks as above
4)UseableItemsDebug - Set this to true to print item registration attempts to the SERVER CONSOLE
5)Note this uses the default ESX Notification, you can change this in “resources\es_extended\client\functions.lua” (which is a good way of globally updating this)
6)The numbers is these docs are low for formatting reasons, 250000 is a reasonable number, 250 IS NOT



DBName - The item name in the database
Type - Always “food” (lowercase)
Hunger - How much hunger to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
OnUseNotify - What text to display when used

{dbname = "burger",type="food",hunger=250000,OnUseNotify="Hmmm Burger"},


DBName - The item name in the database
Type - Always “drink” (lowercase)
Thirst - How much Thirst to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
OnUseNotify - What text to display when used

{dbname = "icedtea",type="drink",thirst=250,OnUseNotify="Cold Tea? Are you high?"},


DBName - The item name in the database
Type - Always “alcohol” (lowercase)
Thirst - How much Thirst to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
Drunkness - How Drunk to get someone, 100000 is a good value
OnUseNotify - What text to display when used

{dbname = "whiskey",type="alcohol",thirst=250,drunkness=300,OnUseNotify="Hmmm"},


DBName - The item name in the database
Type - Always “meal” (lowercase)
Hunger - How much hunger to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
Thirst - How much Thirst to fill 250000 is about a quarter under normal settings
OnUseNotify - What text to display when used

{dbname = "the_works",type="meal",hunger=300,thirst=320,OnUseNotify="Yummy!"},

This should then look like this

UseableItemsDebug = false,
UseableItems = {
{dbname = "burger",type="food",hunger=250,OnUseNotify="Hmmm Burger"},
{dbname = "icedtea",type="drink",thirst=250,OnUseNotify="Cold Tea?"},
{dbname = "whiskey",type="alcohol",thirst=250,drunkness=300,OnUseNotify="Hmmm"},
{dbname = "the_works",type="meal",hunger=300,thirst=320,OnUseNotify="Yum"},
--Note, set to low numbers for formatting reasons, 250000 is much better choice


This script allows you to add radial (Circle) Zones, Area (Square) Zone and Blips

Head to the Blips section in the cfg file.

About the file

1)Function Name - Blips
2)Script Location - client/blips.lua (Tebex encrypted)
3)Description - This allows you to add blips are zones to the map
4)Blip- Set this to true to print Blip creation attempts to CLIENT Console

Radial Blips

Area Blips

Normal Blips